Staircases in UHPC
Staircases in ultra high performance concrete
A staircase is more than a staircase. A staircase changes rooms, it ties floors together and it provides a room and even a building with character and identity. When inviting Hi-Con into the process, we are able to help you produce a staircase with a unique expression. It could be a staircase that adorns your new office building or a new and elegant staircase to enter your apartment building. Hi-Con staircases are solutions cast in CRC i2®. We strive to create value for both the architect, the engineer, the contractor, the builder and the end-user. Whether you dream of a spiral staircase that winds several floors or an accordion staircase with extra long span, we can help to make your dreams and visions about a unique staircase come true.
We make bespoke staircases that are tailored to the specific project in order to match the architectural expression and functionality of the building. In our staircase solutions, we utilize the unique properties of our material to make sure that you are provided with a freedom to design and form a staircase that matches your dreams and vision.